Students showcase innovative childhood education

Students showcase their original, fun teaching aids.

The annual graduation show is a moment for students to showcase their innovation, confidence, and hard work. Five creative projects are exhibited this year in the graduation show of Early Childhood Development and Education. The projects cover hot topics and trends in early childhood educare, including English and music teaching for young children, health and safety education, children's musical, research and development of teaching aids, and character education.
 Liza Lee, Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences, in her opening speech, mentioned that the Department of Early Childhood Development and Education aims to train students in four professional aspects: Early Intervention and Care for Infants and Young Children, Performing Arts of Young Children, Montessori Education, and Language for Young Children. The Department also provides cross-domain integrated courses to develop students' second professionalism. It includes English for children, multimedia in early childhood educare, and educational toy design for infants and young children. Given the immense workforce demand in the industry, the career prospect is promising.

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