CYUT’s three-peat success in nationwide USR rankings

President Cheng Tao-Ming (right) received the USR Award from the CommonWealth Magazine.

The CommonWealth USR University Citizen Rankings, one of the authoritative USR surveys nationwide, released the results for 2022. The survey included 116 public and private universities in Taiwan. Under such keen competition, CYUT successfully led ahead of private technological universities and ranked first for the third consecutive time. The rankings referenced the Impact Rankings of the Times Higher Education (THE) and the 17 USGs of the United Nations for assessing university performance in USR through 38 indicators, covering university governance, teaching commitment, social engagement, and environmental sustainability. President Cheng Tao-Ming honorably received the award on behalf of the school last week.
 Environmental sustainability has always been the USR emphasis of CYUT. The school commits to achieving a yearly 2% reduction in energy consumption and carbon emissions, halving it by 2030, and reaching net-zero emissions by 2045. Teachers and students together demonstrated their creativity in USR for the common good of the community and environment, bringing positive, long-term changes. For example, industrial design students assisted farmers of Changhua in converting abandoned grapevines into biochar products for a green economy. Teachers and students of the Golden-Ager Industry Management innovated the “Kinderelder” model to help kindergarten transform and reduce the burden of elderly care. The marketing students helped Zhongliao Nantou to conserve the endangered leopard cat and revitalize rural life with intelligent marketing strategies. Applied chemistry students replaced pesticides with pheromones to create a sustainable farming environment in Yunlin.

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CYUT’s three-peat success in nationwide USR rankings