Students win gold in Metaverse Virtual Idol Design Contest

Li Yi-Han (right) and Su Mu-En (left) from Information Management won gold in the Metaverse Virtual Idol Design Contest 2022.

The Metaverse Virtual Idol Design Contest 2022 attracted 133 entries from 31 universities and 4 higher vocational schools nationwide. Li Yi-Han and Su Mu-En, students of Information Management, won gold and received the Red Pill Go motion capture system costing NT$120,000. Besides, CYUT students also earned a bronze medal, three excellent works, and nine preferred works under the supervision of Professor Wu Hsin-Cheng, who achieved the “Best Supervisor” award in the contest.
 The Department of Information Management purchased the Motion Capture System (Mocap) to build the virtual world by combining 5G, AR/VR, and blockchain. It facilitates student learning and creativity. The Mocap operates by attaching wearable sensors to human limbs for digitally recording the movement of people. It is broadly used in filmmaking, animation, game production, and other areas such as the interplay of virtual and reality. It helps fulfill the Z-generation consumers in terms of entertainment diversity and trend tracking. To keep up with the trend of virtual idols, the department also integrated VR with teaching and set up the XR Creative Space and Training Base for 3D Digital Game Art National Champion. Students are equipped with XR-related technologies to create interactive multimedia games and forge virtual celebrities becoming citizens of the metaverse nation.

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